These some pages are dedicated to the Suzuki GT 750 which, in the 70s, was the first japanese 2 strokes motorbike  to use liquid cooling for a road use. This technical particuliarity provoked in the time some sarcasms on behalf of the amateurs of japanese  4 strokes motorbikes  which gave her then the nickname of "KETTLE"("BOUILLOTTE" in french). 

JOE BAR TEAM ed: Vents d'Ouest/Bar2

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However, the liquid cooling brought to the big 2 strokes 3 cylinders  reliability, silence of functioning, reduction of the fuel and lubricant consumption , what allowed it to become an excellent road bike, displeases there the authors of the sarcasms (of whom some will recognize!) and to whom I point out in passing that the majority of current 4 strokes bikes are also "KETTLES". 


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Restauration d'une GT750 Patroller

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My Kettle with 3 in 1 exhaust system (1232 ko)

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